Bail Bond Advertising

Our Bail Bonds Websites


Conversion Optimization

& Hosting

Web Design Features

In addition to marketing we also offer cost effective website redesigns or sites from scratch!


Online Defendant Application Forms

Online applications can greatly expedite your bail business’ ability to acquire and process all of the requisite information from your clients. No more PDFs, Faxes, or paperwork. Simply send a prospect the link to the form and receive an email as soon as it is complete.

Integrated Online Payment Options

Chasing customers down and collecting payment can be time consuming and burdensome to your staff. RankBail can integrate any number of online payment options that allow clients to securely pay their bills directly on your website.

Email Inquiry and Advice Forms

Some customers are not in immediate need of a bond and are just seeking general advice, or perhaps they don’t want to speak with someone on the phone. These advice or inquiry forms are a great way to capture these questions and even convert some prospects.

Responsive Design / Touch to Call Buttons for Mobile Phones

Up to 65% of bail bond clients are searching for a bondsman on their cell phone or mobile device. It is absolutely essential that your website appears cleanly and simply on these devices. All of our websites are full responsive, meaning they scale to ANY device automatically and display at the optimal sizes. They also feature push to call buttons on cell phones which a customer can tap and have your number auto-dialed. is responsive, take a look on your mobile device to get an idea of what this looks like.

Website Visitor Tracking and Analytics

You customer data and user behavior is incredibly valuable! If you’re not actively tracking visitors to your website you’re missing out on important insights such as: where is your traffic coming from, where do they go once on your website, how can you convert these visitors to customers?

Our bail bonds websites integrate comprehensive visitor tracking that we can analyze to improve and optimize your website for more calls and conversions

Put Your Best Foot Forward

Redesign Your Site

Redesign your site and put your best foot forward. We’ll optimize and improve your site so that customers feel confident and willing to buy.

Conversion Optimization

Get more conversions through effective bail bonds websites design & conversion optimization

You invest time and money into advertising your business online, are you getting all the ROI you should? When you are paying for advertising to get visitors to your website, you need to know that they are progressing through your sales funnel instead of bouncing off your site.

Rank Bail’s inbound marketing specialists can help make sure your site is performing its job as a sales tool by optimizing your site for conversions. When you increase the conversion rates on your site, you help make sure your advertising dollars are generating maximum returns.

Conversion optimization is a vital part of online marketing. Optimizing your site for search engines gets people “in the door” of your site, but optimizing your site for your customers means actually turning those visitors into sales.

Bail bonds websites optimized to convert

A Clear Message

Ensuring your messaging is clear and customers understand the value you are offering

Remove Obstacles

Identifying and removing obstacles (i.e. too many clicks, poor navigation, ineffective call to action) in order to improve conversion rates.

Make Navigation Easy

Making it easy for visitors to progress through your sales funnel

Tighten Up Security

Ensuring your site is being perceived by your visitors as being credible and easy to do business with

Provide Converting Content

Offering the appropriate content that will spur people to take action and convert on your site

Measure Results

Measuring the correct things on your site that can be used to make further effective business decisions

Optimizing your website for conversions involves:

Rank Bail works closely with our clients to develop appropriate landing pages to effectively increase website conversion optimization rates. Continuity is a key attribute to creating effective landing pages and increasing conversion rates. This is why Rank Bail takes a holistic approach to conversion optimization by examining ad copy, organic keyword usage, usability and calls to action. Ensuring that your potential customers have a seamless journey from the search engine through your website will help you get more customers and improve your ROI .


Website Assessment

Your website is analyzed with the intent of identifying major problem areas that can result in poor conversion rates. Rank Bail conversion rate specialists can assist you in identifying opportunities and improving the conversion rate on the site.


We perform usability tests to assess the effectiveness of your website from a conversion perspective. We look for areas that can be improved (such as site speed or ease of navigation) to make it easier for users to convert into customers.

Audits and Testing

We assess your current practices and performance and identify opportunities to improve conversion rates through call audits and mystery shopper testing on your website. Better user experience design results in better sales and interaction.


We conduct A/B Experiments to determine the best ways to optimize your site’s effectiveness and improve overall customer experience. This leads to better ROI, customer satisfaction, and fewer customer service support requests.

Analytics Implementation

We have advanced skills in optimizing Google Analytics and can develop GA Implementation Strategies for our customers that will allow you an in-depth look at your site’s analytics and vistor behavior.

Scan Your Site to See Where You Stand

Start Converting

Through these website conversion services, Rank Bail can effectively assess your website and offer solutions and recommendations to improve website conversion optimization.

Site Management & Hosting

Relax, let us host and manage your website.
You’ve designed a new website, finalized the content and sent it live. So that’s your website sorted, isn’t it? Not quite! Keeping your website fresh is a key factor in attracting new customers – and keeping existing ones. Here at Rank Bail we can do the heavy lifting for you. Our Web Management services are a cost effective way to remove the confusing and tedious process of site management and updates from your and your staff. Combine this with our lightning fast, bulletproof website hosting and you can rest assured your website is getting the care and attention it deserves.

Why do you need to change online content regularly?

There are three important reasons why your website should stay updated.

1. To help the search engines find you

This is one of the most important reasons for keeping your bail bonds websites updated. Put simply, search engines like websites which change regularly and regard the ones with the most recent content as most relevant to web surfers. A lot of value is therefore placed on websites with fresh and unique content. Neglect your website and it’s sure to fall down in the search engine rankings.

2. To show your customers that your company is busy

Is your last news item from 2010? If so, website visitors could be forgiven for thinking your company hasn’t done much since then; or even worse, for thinking it might have gone out of business. Let your customers know that your company evolves and has news to shout about each month; or even better, each week.

3. To attract inbound links to your website

The more interesting your website content, the more likely people are to notice it and discuss it – perhaps on social media networks, on their own blogs or they might even link to it from their own company website. The more often you update your bail bonds websites with something interesting, the more likely this is to happen and the more likely your website is to get noticed.

In other words, keeping your website content fresh and up-to-date helps your company to attract, and keep, more customers.

So, how can Rank Bail keep your website content fresh?

There are several ways we can keep the content of your website fresh. Here are a few things we do.

Add a Blog

Incorporate a blog on your website

Add News

Include a news section on your website.

Add Content

Add images or videos to your website

Add Reviews

Include client testimonials on your website

Add Menu Pages

Add more menu pages to your website
In summary, there are many ways of keeping your website content fresh. It’s just a case of deciding on the most suitable for your company. Keeping the content of your website fresh can take time that you don’t have.


Have questions about our web design services, including design, conversion optimization, and site management and hosting? Submit this form and get the answers you’re looking for!